Thursday, 5 March 2009

The quest for Magick

When the world was quite new, the wise creators decided tht unlike the other cretures,humankind needed a quest to discover the purpose of this earth journey. the other creatures, winged and four footed, trees and stones,knew with their essence the purpose of their being,but humankind was more and less clever `Let us hide the secret of magick at the bottom ofthe ocean' said the whale,Lord of the Swimming Creatures. `No they will fish the oceans dry' the others replied.`Let`s put it on the moon' the owl,Guardian of theCreatures of the night suggested. `No they will reach that and before long desecrate it' the others said. The little mouse,Lady of the timid creatures ,who understood secrecy best of all,whispered,`Let`s put in inside of them;they will never think to look there'

And so for all but the TRUE seekers of Wicca,the answer is never discovered. Happy spellcasting.

1 comment:

Nutmeg said...

Awesome; i love this; may i share it. Did you write it? i love it!