Tuesday 17 March 2009

The magickal power of colours

Did you know that colours speak volumes about your personality, not only that they have the ability to change your mood,control your appetite and work wonders for your sex drive!!!

RED- A great colour for an energy boost,or if you want stability in your life but avoid if you have high blood pressure

BLUE- A great colour to help you feel calm and relaxed,also can help you eat less as the colour blue turns off your appetite, avoid this colour if you feel depressed or nervous.

GREEN- A excellent colour to help you feel grounded or you want to stop being hyperactive,but avoid if you feel boredom or lethargy.

PINK- Wonderful colour for love or to feel loved,safe and secure, but you should avoid this colour if you feel overwhelmed by people of events.

YELLOW - A great colour for honesty and expressing your true self,to obtain some courage,but avoid if you have some instability in your life.

PURPLE- A very spiritual colour, wear this colour to connect with the Goddess and the God, if you want to feel peaceful on an inner level,but avoid if you are oversensitive.

WHITE- A good colour for purity,good if you want to explore new possibilities,but avoid if you feel lonely.

BLACK- Agreat colour if you want to feel in control, but avoid if you feel depressed or are in self denial.

Wednesday 11 March 2009














Hope you all have wonderful esbats.

Sunday 8 March 2009


If the wild wood way you would come to learn

Step into the forest and call on Herne

Three times loud and three times clear

Then wait for a sign that Herne is near

A shower of leaves though there is no breeze

Could be a message from the Lord of the trees

And where two oaks stand tall and strong

The creak of the bark is the sound of his song

And there overhead a bare branched bough

Could be the God of the antlered brow

Though darkness falls early and the forest seems dead

The rustle of bracken is his soft booted tread

And we know he is here for he smells of the earth

As he carefully plants the seeds of all birth

The cry of the wind is the sound of his horn

For he masters the wild hunt and they ride out at dawn

And the rustle of leaves is the sound of his mirth

For he champions the Lady and they nurture the Earth.

Friday 6 March 2009

herbal inhalation for head colds

It seems that at this time of year everyone has a cold,you only have to turn around and someone is sneezing all over you!!, try this herbal remedy of dried garden herbs to help clear your nose and throat.Chamomile will reduce catarrh while the peppermint will provide refreshing relief from fever and headaches.

To make your inhalation you will need: 10g dried chamomile flowers
10g dried peppermint leaves
10g dried thyme leaves
1 Litre steaming hot water
What to do: PLace the herbs in a basin
Add boiling water from the kettle
Cover your head with a towel and inhale for 5 mins. Magick!!!!


As a wiccan it is important that you have a knowledge of Mythology, as we invoke a lot of dieties, and we also have patron dieties, these are a goddess and a god of our choice that become the main focus of our prayers,rituals,sabbats and esbats,choose your diety with care,you may find however that they have a habit of choosing you!!!

Abundantia (pronounced ah-bun-don-she-uh), is a beautiful roman and norse goddess of prosperity,success and abundance who is said to bring good fortune and financial windfalls to all who call upon her.

She carries a cornupcopia of golden coins,which trails behind her, she bestows all kinds of prosperity,including increased amounts of time,ideas,and other forms of support

If you happen to find money or loose change in the most unusual places,it is a sure fire sign that this goddess is with you.

The Sabbats- wiccan wheel of the year

Wiccans perform sabbats to celebrate the turning of the seasons, the relationship of our goddess and god and the cycle of life,death and rebirth. Each sabbat marks the events in the earth`s seasonal cycle. there are eight sabbats they are:

SAMHAIN-Festival of the dead-31st October
YULE-Winter Solstice-21st December
IMBOLC-Festival of lights-2nd February
OSTARA-Spring Equinox-21st March
BELTANE- May Day- 1st May
LITHA-Summer Soltice-21st June
LUGHNASADH-1st harvest festival-1st August
MABON-Autumn Equinox-21st September

Yule,Litha,Mabon and Ostara are known as SOLAR FESTIVALS
Samhain,Imbolc,Beltane,and Lughnasadh are known as CELTIC FIRE FESTIVALS

You should strive to keep sabbats to the best of your ability, for not to do so is to lessen your connection with the goddess and the god.

Thursday 5 March 2009

The Pentagram

The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle always with 5 points,one pointing upwards.
Each point is a symbol of the elements,the upward point sybolizes the element of spirit and the other four point represent the elements of earth,air,fire,and water.
These elements are very important to us wiccans as we invoke them(`call the quarters',as it is known)for protection during our rituals.
The Pentagram is not a symbol of evil but one of protection,and to wear a pentagram is to say you connect with the Goddess and the God and the Earth.

The Wiccan Rede

Bide the wiccan rede ye must,In perfect love in perfect trust
Eight words the wiccan rede fufill,An ye harm none do as ye will
What ye sends forth returns to thee
So ever mind the rule of three
Follow this with mind and heart
and merry ye meet and merry ye part

Wicca has a simple ethical code which is expressed in eight words`An ye harm none do as ye will'. it was first used publically by a well known wiccan calledDoreen Valiente in 1964.
The word `Rede' is said to be an old word for `council' or `advice' which is exactly what the rede is.
The rede provides wiccans with a personal guideline on how to behave and treat people,we use the rede whenever we need to make an important decision.
The rede places emphasis on personal responsibility and asks the wiccan, do you need to do that?,are you sure you want to go ahead? How will your actions affect you?
The wiccan rede helps us tothink of cause and effect, if you follow the rede you should strive ever towards giving careful consideration to all your actions.
The wiccan rede can be summed up in four simple words:


I Am A Wiccan

I am a wiccan
The earth is my mother
and the heavens my father
my religion is the adoration of all life
all living things are part of my family
I have walked this path before
and be very sure
at this life`s end
I shall return

The Moon Goddess

From a distance,clothed in soft white light
She graces the sky,she rules the night
My heart unlocked, she holds the key
Together bound eternally
Her pull profound,tides it inspires
The ebb and flow of my desires
My life, the sea she does caress
With hope,with love
The Moon Goddess

The Wiccan Way

Light the fire beneath the pot
thirteen moons in the lot
four days high,four days not
soltice and the equinox
gather round for the feast
north,south,west and east
bless the children and the beasts
gather crones,witches and priests
cleanse the tolls of the day
sing and dance,laugh and play
honour the moon,to which we pray
celebrate the wiccan way

Ostara (Spring Eqinox) March 21st

Ostara was the norse goddess of spring and this festival is one for planting seeds for thing to come. At this time the maiden goddess opens the doors of spring and mates with the horny god of light.to conceive the child that will be born on the winter soltice,yule, December 21st.
This is the time to begin to put new hopes and dreams into action to make them come to fruition,great time for positive life changes, taking your relationships to a deeper level,moving house,going back to school, college etc, clearing out anything which is no longer needed in your life,anything to do with fertility such as giving birth,children and mothers.
The symbols of Ostara are : Eggs, feathers,spring flowers,seeds,pots of newly planted seeds,rabbits and birds, the Magickal Hare.
The colours for Ostara are: green and yellow,baby pink and light blue and white.

The quest for Magick

When the world was quite new, the wise creators decided tht unlike the other cretures,humankind needed a quest to discover the purpose of this earth journey. the other creatures, winged and four footed, trees and stones,knew with their essence the purpose of their being,but humankind was more and less clever `Let us hide the secret of magick at the bottom ofthe ocean' said the whale,Lord of the Swimming Creatures. `No they will fish the oceans dry' the others replied.`Let`s put it on the moon' the owl,Guardian of theCreatures of the night suggested. `No they will reach that and before long desecrate it' the others said. The little mouse,Lady of the timid creatures ,who understood secrecy best of all,whispered,`Let`s put in inside of them;they will never think to look there'

And so for all but the TRUE seekers of Wicca,the answer is never discovered. Happy spellcasting.